2015 A Memoir

As 2015 is going to end, I would like share with you all the things which happened (Good or Bad, As you all know “Experience makes a man perfect.) in my life. I must say that I have learnt so many things in 2015. Thank you so much for all of your help and support. Sorry that I can’t mention every names here. But each of you matters a lot to me. I wish all of your wishes and support will be continued in 2016 too. I wish you a Happy and Prosperous new year. Always remember Sky is the limit.
In 2014 I have started writing @ C-Sharp Corner. And on first week of January 2015 I have been awarded with C-Sharp Corner MVP . Thank you so much to all the C-Sharp corner family members.
I have been awarded as Monthly winner nine times in C-Sharp Corner.
Eight of my Article were selected as ‘Article of the day’ in Asp.Net community.
I have been awarded with Most valuable blogger in DZone on May 11 2015.
I have started writing at Code Project and so far I have got around 8000 reputation.
In 2015, I have crossed one million read count in my C-Sharp corner profile. Thank you so much for all of your support. Million thanks to all the readers.
I have written more that 120 articles in C-Sharp corner in the year of 2015. I wish I can do more in 2016.
2015 was always a great year for my blog Sibeesh Passion . I created my blog on November 28 2014. And in the Year 2015 my blog has got 87012 page views.
There were more than 100000 view for my Google plus profile
I have got more than 350 likes for my Facebook page
I have started using Twitter and so far I have more than 350 followers. Thank you so much to all of my followers.
On December 2015, I have become a member of Stack overflow. I hope I can be active there in 2016.
I have started going to Gym. Hope I can build a six pack in 2016.
Image Courtesy: freedomprod.com
My First Flight Journey. For the first time in my life I went to Delhi by flight.
On April 2015, I have attended C-Sharp Corner annual meet which was conducted in Delhi. Those three days were superb and awesome. Million thanks to C-Sharp Corner.
My application to become Microsoft MVP was rejected. Even though that made me sad, I would say I can still try once more.
I met with Accident twice. Those were minor accident. Thank God I am still alive.
That is all for 2015. Hope 2016 will be a great year for us.
May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early, My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall ”― Aleister Crowley, – Moonchild
Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year
Kindest Regards
Sibeesh Venu