Generate Database Scripts With Data In SQL Server

In this post we will discuss about how we can generate SQL Server scripts of our database with existing data, once we generate the script, the result will give you all the insert query with other queries so that the data also will get inserted in your new database. We are going to use the option ‘Schema and data’ in SQL server for this task. I hope the screen shots given will help you generate the script with insert queries.
I was working with an article which has so many database transactions/actions. So I thought of attaching the database scripts with data also in the source code download section of the article, so that it may help user to insert the data in his/her database. That made me to write this article. I hope you will like this.
Steps To Generate Database Scripts With Data In SQL Server
Step 1
Right click on your database and select Task -> generate script.
Step 2
Click next in the introduction screen.
Step 3
Select the database object which you are all you need and then click next.
Step 4
Now you will be shown a window which asks you about how your script should be published.
Click advanced in that window.
Step 5
Select ‘Schema and data’ from type of data to script option and then click OK.
Click next.
Step 6
Click finish, now check the script file, it must be having the insert queries too.
Now what else is pending, go ahead and run your script.
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Kindest Regards
Sibeesh Venu